Advertise with us with more than 3.5 milion Registered users ready to absorb your
advertisement , We Accept only Static Prepayment Advertise
Attendance and the number of users:
- unique visitors a month: >5 00 000 - 1 000 000,
Ad placement and rate schedule
Banner type | Available | Rotation | Price, USD/ a month |
Price, USD/ a week |
1. Upper Large banner 728 x 90 px | 1 | 1 | 3000 | 1000 |
2. Banner in the middle 300 x 250 px | 3 | 1 | 2000 | 900 |
- 300x250px Banners position is Random in all pages so all banners have same visit and position
- There is only one 728x90px banner in top position of all download pages
Technical ad parameters:
- GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML banners no larger than ~ 200 KB will be accepted;
- banners containing any offensive or improper content will be rejected;
Payment Methods:
- Paypal, Webmoney, Bitcoin
Geo Traffic:
- United state, Germany, Netherland, ...
Contact us
s i t e (@) u p l o a db . c o m